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Selected peer-reviewed publications 

*Student author



*Cartwright, C., Ragni, A. Hublin, J-J., Chirchir, H. Trabecular bone volume fraction in Holocene and Late Pleistocene humans. Journal of Human Evolution. 



*Layne A., Chirchir H. Trabecular bone morphology in big cats reflects the complex diversity of limb use but not home range size. Anatomical Record. 307:208-222.   



Chirchir H., Ruff CB., Helgen KM., Potts R. Effects of reduced mobility on trabecular bone density in captive big cats. Royal Society Open Science. 9 3:211345.


Machnicki AL., White AC., Meadows AC., McCloud D., Evans S., Thomas D., Hurley JD., Crow D., Chirchir H., Serrat MA. Altered IGF-I activity and accelerated bone elongation in growth plates precedes excess weight gain in a mouse model of juvenile obesity. Journal of Applied Physiology. 132: 511-526.



Chirchir H. Trabecular bone in domestic dogs and wolves: Implications for understanding human self-domestication. Anatomical Record. 304: 31-41.


Richmond BG., Green DJ, Lague MR.,  Chirchir H.,  Behrensmeyer AK., Bobe R., Bamford MK., Griffin NL., Gunz P., Mbua E., Merritt SR., Pobiner B., Kiura P., Kibunjia M., Harris JWK., Braun DR. 2020. The upper limb of Paranthropus boisei from Ileret, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution. 141:102727.



Chirchir H. Trabecular bone fraction variation in modern humans, fossil hominins and other primates. Anatomical Record. 302: 288-305. 


Marchi D., Harper CM., Chirchir H., Ruff CB. Relative fibular strength and locomotor behavior in KNM-WT 15000 and OH 35. Journal of Human Evolution. 131: 48-60.


Lague MR., Chirchir H., Green DJ., Mbua E. , Harris JWK., Braun DR., Griffin NL., Richmond BG. 2019. Cross-sectional properties of the humeral diaphysis of Paranthropus boisei: Implications for upper limb function. Journal of Human Evolution. 126: 51-70.


Lague MR., Chirchir H., Green DJ., Mbua E. , Harris JWK., Braun DR., Griffin NL., Richmond BG. 2019. Humeral anatomy of the KNM-ER 47000 upper limb skeleton from Ileret, Kenya: Implications for taxonomic identification. Journal of Human Evolution. 126: 24-38. 



Green DJ., Chirchir H., Mbua E., Harris JWK., Braun DR., Griffin N., Richmond BG. 2018. Scapular anatomy of Paranthropus boisei from Ileret, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution. 125: 181-192. 



Chirchir, H., Ruff, CB., Junno, J-A., Potts, R. Low trabecular bone density in recent sedentary modern humans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 162: 550-560.


Chirchir H., Zeininger A., Nakatsukasa M., Ketcham RA.,  Richmond BG. 2017. Does trabecular bone structure within the metacarpal heads of primates vary with hand posture? Comptes Rendus Palevol. 16: 533-544.



Chirchir H. Limited trabecular bone density heterogeneity in the human skeleton. Anatomy Research International. 2016 Article ID 9295383.



Chirchir  H., Kivell TL., Ruff CB., Hublin J-J., Carlson KJ., Zipfel B., Richmond BG. Recent origin of low trabecular bone density in modern human. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 112: 366-371.


Chirchir H. A Comparative study of trabecular bone mass distribution in cursorial and non-cursorial limb joints. Anatomical Record. 298: 797-809.




Research press coverage & Interviews 





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